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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital strategy,
which is necessary to improve the visibility of a website in search engines (e.g. Google)


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital strategy, which is necessary to improve the visibility of a website in search engines (e.g. Google)

What will you win

Due to the increase in the number of websites, the competition for "conquering" the first page of search results is too high.

Some basic principles of SEO are:

  • Keyword research
  • High quality content
  • Technical optimization
  • Backlink management
  • Social media

Frequent questions

Increased Visibility: By optimizing for search engines, a website can appear higher in search results, thus increasing its visibility to users. This leads to an increase in traffic to the website as more and more users will visit it.

Better User Experience: Search engine optimization also involves improving the website in general. This leads to faster loading speed of the website, content structure and navigation.

Reduced Advertising Costs: SEO can reduce the cost of advertising, as a website that is higher in the search results can receive more organic clicks. This means less reliance on paid ads and more profit in the long run.

Enhanced Reliability and Validity: Users typically have more confidence in the search results that appear in natural positions, as they understand that search engines select them based on relevancy.

Competitive Advantage: If your website ranks high in the search results, you will have a competitive advantage over your competitors who have not optimized their presence for SEO.

SEO is divided into two main categories: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO: It refers to the optimizations made directly on the website itself to improve its quality and thus its chances of appearing in searches.

It includes the following:

  • Research and use of keywords in the content.
  • Optimization of titles, descriptions, headings and URLs.
  • Web page navigation and structure.
  • High quality, keyword rich and interesting content.
  • Image and multimedia optimization.
  • Optimize the loading speed of the website.

Off-page SEO: Refers to the actions taken outside the website to improve its credibility and search engine visibility.

It includes the following:

  • Creating quality backlinks (links from other websites).
  • Create a presence on social media
  • Reviews and ratings from users.
  • Journalistic references and posts on other websites.
  • Participation in forums and communities.
The combined use and optimization of both categories, is the most important way to achieve high search engine rankings and the success of a website online.

There is no absolute answer, as SEO is an ongoing and dynamic process. The length of time varies and depends on a number of factors such as competition, a website’s content and the history it has created online, etc. Usually, the first results are seen after a few weeks, but for full and long-term results, the improvement usually continues over several months or even years.

White Hat SEO is an approach that follows the rules and guidelines set by search engines, without using controversial or prohibited tactics.

The key principles of White Hat SEO include:

High quality content: Creating content that is interesting, useful and provides value to users. Avoid duplicate content and the use of fake or copied content.

Using keywords in a natural way: Keyword selection and use should be done organically and without over- representation or abuse.

Optimisation of titles, descriptions and headings: Data should be formatted to clearly describe the content of the page.

Natural approach to backlinks: the effort to acquire backlinks should be done in a natural way, through quality content and working with trusted websites.

Overall, the White Hat SEO approach seeks to optimize the website for users and search engines transparently, offering long-term results and ensuring a successful online presence.

Black Hat SEO is a practice that aims to artificially improve a website’s search engine ranking by violating the rules and guidelines set by the search
engines. Black Hat SEO practices are contrary to the law and may result in blocking or penalties from search engines.

Some examples of Black Hat SEO practices include:

“Illegal” use of keywords: Representing keywords with techniques such as content forgery to increase the likelihood of the website appearing in searches.

Buying backlinks: Buying backlinks from undesirable or low quality websites to increase the visibility of the website.

Linking to undesirable websites: Placing links to websites that are not related to the content of the website to increase the complexity and recognition of the website by search engines.

Automatic applications and programs: The use of automated tools to create numerous pages of low quality content to increase the visibility of the website.

Search engines, such as Google, are aware of and prosecute Black Hat SEO practices and apply penalties to websites that violate the rules. For this reason, it is important to avoid unethical Black Hat SEO tactics and focus on creating high-quality content and complying with search engine rules for a long-term and successful SEO strategy.

The cost of SEO varies depending on the scope of the project, competitiveness, the goals we want to achieve, etc.

Yes, you can do SEO yourself, but you must have some basic knowledge and be prepared to invest time and effort in implementing an effective SEO strategy, as SEO practices are constantly evolving and require daily monitoring of search engine
trends and algorithms.

To determine if SEO is working for your website, you can monitor the following metrics and indicators:

  • Organic traffic
  • Upwards trend on the organic search rankings
  • Increase in organic search ranking
  • Yes, social media plays a very important role in SEO. Social media presence and activity can affect the visibility and ranking of your website in search engines. This happens for a number of reasons, such as content shares from users, backlinks, etc.

However, it should be noted that social media presence alone is not a guarantee of getting top search engine rankings.

No. No one can provide an absolute guarantee of first place in search engines through SEO. Top ranking in Google results depends on many factors, including competition, quality of content, backlinks, technical optimization, website credibility, and other factors.

SEO is an ongoing process and there is no specific time limit for its implementation. Optimizing a website for search engines must be an ongoing process, as search engine algorithms are constantly changing and competition in the internet space is fierce and evolving. However, some factors that affect the duration of SEO are:

Competition: if your market is very competitive, it may take more time to improve your website’s visibility in search engines.

Initial status: Depending on the initial state of your website, if it needs more improvement and rebuilding, more time may be required.

Constant updating: Content and SEO factors, need to be constantly updated to maintain competitiveness.

  • Keyword analysis and research
  • On-page SEO
  • Technical optimization
  • Creating quality content
  • Developing backlinks
  • Monitoring and improvement

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process and requires patience, as changes in search engine rankings are unpredictable.

When implementing SEO, avoid the following common mistakes that can negatively affect your website’s performance in search engines:

  • Using non-natural keywords: Don’t overuse repetitive keywords in your website content, as this can be perceived as spam by search engines.
  • Exclusive focus on search engines: Don’t neglect the user experience to focus solely on search engine optimization. Your content should be useful and interesting to your audience.
  • Low quality content: Avoid creating content that offers no value to your visitors or is copied from other websites.
  • Non-technical optimization: Make sure your website is technically optimized and free of bugs, as this can affect its performance in search engines.
  • Exclusive focus on a single method: Don’tfocus exclusively on one SEO method. There are many factors that affect your website’s performance in search engines, and you should consider various strategies.
  • Backlink purchase: Don’t buy backlinks from dubious sources. Search engines recognize backlink purchases, and there may be penalties for your website.
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SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. It refers to the page that appears when a user performs a search on a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. In SERP, search engines present the results that are considered most relevant to the user’s search. The order of the results is determined by the search engine algorithms and is based on several factors such as relevance and quality of content, backlinks, technical optimization and other SEO factors.

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